Marie and Pierre are on their way to spend the weekend at their friends Carole and Charles who have recently moved to the countryside.
As they are driving, Pierre's cellphone accidentally redials their friends' number, allowing these to overhear their conversation and discover Pierre and Marie's true feelings towards them. How will Carole and Charles react? Drama or comedy? Will there be blood? |
Ines Muñoz Cast Julie Obecanov Valérie Gaskin-Chalas Pierre-Olivier Ariston David Fouchard Crew Set: Bruce Maskell, Rudy Muñoz, David Fouchard Light and sounds: Bruce Maskell, Mickael Moal Props: Mimi Betel Surtitles: Claire Roussie Poster: Ines Vignolo Graphic design: Valérie Thomas-Collignon Translation: Omni Open Communication Video: Luc Schlumberger Photo: Véronique Schlumberger Sponsoring: Judit Dabis Communication: Valérie Thomas-Collignon Box office: Joëlle Ciesielski Webmaster: Pascal Ploux |